Monday, January 9, 2012

Remember the Sabbath... what a great idea!

So this morning during our morning devotions we talked about how tired we are.  Not just tired, like I want a nap, tired like I feel like we're never able to get enough sleep.  And yet we never seem to stop. As I have been typing this I have been nodding off.  It's late afternoon and I am tired.  5AM feed the dog, make the coffee, feed the cats, then devotions and prayers, 30  minutes of exercise,  catch up on email and the latest news, pack lunch and get ready to start the day, but I'm already two hours into the day.  Work is so busy, with so many details, often I'm not finished paperwork until 6 or 7, then I start dinner, throw in some wash, catch up on more email, and finally by 9 or so I collapse onto the recliner, just to drowse in and out until the end of the 10 oclock news signals bed time.   The weekends are even busier.
It finally dawned on us today that we have forgotten the Sabbath and we are not keeping it Holy.  Every single day, including Sunday is scheduled to the hilt.  We love socializing with freinds and family, we love doing projects and fun excursions, but there is very little time to just relax. I mean, no obligation, laying on the couch, dozing in and out kind of relaxing.
Yesterday afternoon, after helping someone move, getting groceries and doing some advance prep on dinner, I started cleaning the library.  The clutter in there is becoming obscene.  I briefly wondered if there was any elective surgery I could have that would get me off work so I could sort papers.  I scratched that idea, but it shows how desparate I've become.  There is just no time for anything. After dashing about madly for the whole afternoon cleaning the house, I sat down for a half an hour with my mom, and then got showered and changed so I would be ready when our dinner guests arrived.  We had a very nice time with them, and I certainly don't regret that time, but it was late by the time I could pull on some flannel jammies and collapse yet again.
So upon reflection Ed and I decided to make a vow.  We are going to stop sinning by ignoring the fourth commandment and start remembering the sabbath and keeping it Holy.  If God took a rest after 7 days, that is a really good indicatior that it is certainly necessar. On Sundays we will go to church and the rest of the day is going to be set apart as a refueling day. That's it.  We will order pizza and eat from paper plates.  If it is impossible to do it on Sunday (sometimes I have to work) then we will do it on Monday.  One day a week, remembered, Holy, set aside for God.
I'll keep you posted on how it works out.